1. Study of the Charts Of Nations is called Mundane Astrology. Very little research has been done in this field. As such, hardly we come across an Astrologer who has correctly predicted two or more Earthquakes, Disasters, National Calamities. For the preparation of the National Charts and of Political Parties is most tricky as the Birth Times would Not be available. Also, there will be confusion on the Date Of Formation. In case of India, we have three separate dates i.e. Independence Day, Republic Day (on which the states formed the Indian Republic) and the Date on which the Colony Was Transferred to British Empire by the East India Company. A Man's Longevity is reasonably taken as 120 years where as The Country Or A Political Group may Live Beyond that. Some Repeat The Vimshottari Dashas, After A Lapse Of 120 Years. I have not found much trust worthy results by applying any Dasa-Bhukti be it Vimshottari, Ashttottari etc.,
A good method will be to cast the chart at the time of lunation for a particular lunar month (Masa) for the Capital Of The Country. Extra Saturnine Planets would serve good purpose in Predicting Military, Nuclear And Ultra-Modern Discoveries, Strange Diseases, Subversive Activities etc., As the Extra Saturnine planets are very slow moving the effects are not felt on the individual charts. Even in the case of countries also, the results produced by these planets would be lingering for a long time.
2. Whenever Lunation is in the 8th, some horrible incidents like assassinations, massacres, violent overthrows, horrible accidents occur. Kuja is in the 10th in own house but not in own sign. There were no external disturbances like war on the country and government was stable. Budha is in the 8th own house but not in own sign. Financial position was comfortable, though the country heavily depended on borrowings. There was not much bloodshed. Budha in the 8th has curtailed press freedom. Malefics in the 11th cause hurdles in democratic rule. Coups, secrets are represented by RAHU in the 6th and also Malefics in the 12th. Pluto in the 10th implies sudden turn of events.
In Ancient India Mundane Matters were deciphered using Lunation, Sankramana (Solar Ingress Into Different Signs, Eclipses in different stars and signs, General Characters of the 60 years cycle etc., SANKRANTI PURUSHA'S description drawn on Makara Sankramana was considered for giving predictions; Similarly different lordships over clouds, winds, oil seeds and such portfolios were decided by specific rules. There are several authorities and Ratta Mata Sidhanta followed in North Karnataka is one of them. The Country was classified into different geographical regions like Vidharbha, Sourashtra, Gandhara, Kishkinda or Hastinapura etc., These classification have become thin now to identify. So, when the classical says, "heavy rains in Kishkinda and no rains in Sourashtra" we will not be knowing the exact boundaries. The fate of the country in those days depended on the king's decision and so importance was given to the Royal Horoscope.
3. Tippu Sultan, a brave King In South India who fought the British would Consult His Astrologers to know his fate every day. The astrologers had advised not to go to the war field on the day he was betrayed and killed. He was the first person to introduce Gazettes of his Government proceedings. Also, he was the first person who launched land to land missile. These things have been officially recorded in his Gazettes. When the classics say," There would be serious health problems to the King" we do not know whether it is the Governor of the State ( a representative of the President of the country ) or the active person who runs the state, the Chief Minister! The set up of the Governance Has Changed so much.
4. Now, let us have a look at the mundane astrology chart for Ugadi, 2015.
6. Karkataka Lagnam , Makara Navamsa, Thursday, Uttara Bhadra Nakshatram, Sukla Yogam, Kimstughna Karanam, Budha Hora,
7. Sunrise : 06 : 29 : 37 Sun Set : 18 :28 :19
20TH MAR 2015 15-06 NEW DELHI
Ugadi is the new beginning of year in the Hindu Chandramana Calendar. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, this event is related to cumulative movement of Sun and Moon. This Month Is Called Chaitra Masa because the Full Moon Happens In The Star Chitra. The pratipat of this phase is known as Ugadi. Tamil Nadu and some portion of Konkan celebrate new year depending on the movement of Sun. Solar New Year, popularly known as Mesha Sankramana happens after about fifteen days when Sun enters the sign Aries. Gregorian calendar is mere division of time and is not related to the entry of Sun to different zodiac signs. Ugadi called for a balanced mind to take the good and bad events with equal tranquility. On this day a mixture of Neem leaves, Lemon Juice, Jaggery etc, is prepared is taken as Prasad with this mantra:
9. " shataayurvajra dehaaya sarvasampat karaayacha I
sarvaarishta vinaashaaya nimbakam dalabhakshanaam " II
10. "Let this Prasad bring longevity, a strong body, wealth and let there be no obstacles during this year"
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