Monday, March 30, 2015


Vedas are Rug Veda or ‘Rigveda’ means praise/verse of knowledge. It is counted among the four canonical sacred texts of Hinduism known as the Vedas. The others are: Yajur Veda , Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. The Rig Veda is the oldest of them and it consists of 1,028 Vedic Sanskrit hymns and 10,580 verses in all, or 1,53,826 words or 4,32,000 Letters - organized into ten books. Rik Jyotish Grantha This epic has a detailed description of a season, year, climate, month and muhurta. But, this epic does not have the reference of Planets and Rashis [The meaning of a planet in astrology is slightly different from the modern astronomy. Before, the age of telescopes ] This epic acts as a guide to the present day astrologers. Yajur and Atharva Veda Like Rik Jyotisha, this epic also contains the details of motions of the Nakshatras Apart from this, a detailed description of Thithis, Yogas, Karanas and Taras are also given. The classification of Tara-Sampat and Vipat is found in this epic. The rule of finding Tara-Sampat and Vipat provided in this epic is used in the same way as it was used at this time.

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